Web16. feb 2024. · Since the values will be updated after the first two operations we will be able to swap the numbers. Algorithm: 1) Take the input of the two numbers. 2) Store the sum of both the numbers in the first number and store the difference of both the numbers in the second number. WebI have to Write a C program that will swap any two nibbles of a long int x (64-bit integer).A nibble is a four-bit aggregation. There are two nibbles in a byte. For this …
How to swap the nibbles - C / C++
WebWe can swap the nibbles using “&”, “<<” and “>>” operators. The code to swap the nibbles is as given below: #include using namespace std; int swapNibbles(int x) { return ( (x & 0x0F) << 4 (x & 0xF0) >> 4 ); } // Driver code int main() { int x = 16; cout << swapNibbles(x); return 0; } WebA nibble is half a byte, or 4 bits. You need to shift data to the right one nibble to move the left half to the right. You also need to shift data to the left one nibble to move the right half to the left. You need to combine those two results with a bitwise OR: Code: ? 1 data = (data shifted left 1 nibble) (data shifted right one nibble); port germein progress association
C++ program to swap two nibbles in a byte - CodeSpeedy
WebC program to swap nibbles of a byte/word; C program to demonstrate left shift operator C program to demonstrate right shift (>>) operator; C program to set/clear (low/high) bits of a number; C program to swap two numbers using bitwise operator; C program to Count the Number of Trailing Zeroes in an Integer; C program to find the Highest Bit Set ... WebSwap Nibbles A nibble is a group of 4 bits. Write a function that given an unsigned n returns the value with the nibbles placed in reverse order. Code: ? I need to know what bitwise … Web04. jun 2024. · How to swap nibbles in C? c bit-manipulation 14,676 Solution 1 Start from the fact that hexadecimal 0xf covers exactly four bits. There are four nibbles in a 16-bit number. The masks for the nibbles … irishleaguesupporters#